Friday, December 1, 2017


What i read- In this post i did not read anything, it only had a lot of amazing photos, which were of different style location and following different rules.

What i learned- I learned that there are crazy good photos out there.

This site related to photography because it had a lot of great photos, sadly i wasn't able to get them onto this screen...

What i read- In this article i read that there is a photographer Rachel Sussman who is different from others, in a main point that she does both science and photography. Her main point of photography is taking photos of the oldest thing in the world.

What i learned- In this article i learned that there is a photographer Rachel Sussman who is different from others, in a main point that she does both science and photography. Her main point of photography is taking photos of the oldest thing in the world.


Photo- I chose this photo, because this is truly "the oldest thing on earth". And it means something to me because i have seen it.

Rules- In this photo i see several rules of photography, these include Rule of thirds and simplicity.

Photos By- Rachel Sussman 

The Disorienting Beauty of Spiral Staircases in Old Abandoned Buildings

What i Read/ Learned- Reading this short yet descriptive passage i learned that there was a guy who lived in Germany, who liked to go to abounded buildings and look at the staircases. And when he got into the world of photography he started taking photos of them, and it turned out to be a disordering beauty.


Photo- I picked this photo because i find it to be very disordering, and trips. It is hard to tell if you are looking down or up. I also like the way that the actual building is in very good condition, judging by the rails in comparison to the railings.

Rules- In this photo there are several rules of photography leading lines, framing and filling the frame.

Photos by- Christian Richter

6 Types of Photos Every Photographer Should Know How to Make

What I read? In this article i read about how to make different types of photos. These included how to make Fake tilt photos, Forced perspective, Exposure, Digital inferred, Double exposure and a Polor Panorama. It talked about the science behind what i should know when taking these photos, and what type of equipment is preferably needed.

What i learned that was new? Out of the new things i learned, i got a brief understanding of what type of science is behind taking these types of photos, and the science behind taking such a photo.


Photo- I picked the photo above, because i like to personally take these type of perspective photos, and i show a lot of respect to those who take these type of photos, because i understand how hard it is to take one like such. 

Rules- The rules of photography that are in this photo include, leading lines and balance

Photo by- Future PLC