Monday, October 30, 2017

A. I think that the most powerful image is the one that is labeled as Basic training didn't begin to prepare Ian Fisher for military life.

B. The images work together to show a story by making a story showing all the hardships and happy moments that Ian experienced, putting together his story from the U.S army.

C. The captions enhance the photographs by explaining what is happening in the photos, because not in all photos its clear what is happening.

D. Fisher was enrolled in the army in June 2007, at the time he was 17 years old. For a while he was having trouble in the army and at home, not being connected to either place, though later in the future he started having more friends in the army. Through training Fisher had a fun playful experience though he did learn. Later on they were put on a raid as a test. And the commander stated that half of the team would be killed. The ones that would have been killed had to leave though fisher and 3 others stayed in training. Soon after that he was issued a blue medal for completion of training. After months of training he got moved back to his home town and was an hour away from his friends and they vouched to see him. Fisher was later caught smoking after training and was forced for a punishment of pushups which he completed with success, sit-ups and a 2 mile run which he wasn't able to do. Later he had a week home were he bought an engagement ring for his girlfriend though wasn't going to propose until christmas in front of family. Later his drug problem got bigger, and he had a meeting with his father, it turned out that he broke up with his girl friend and says that that was one of the reasons. Closer to the end of his carrier Ian flew to Iraq to fight.

E. Present tense.

F. 1- On average they are 3 sentences long.
    2- The first sentence usually provides the main information of the photo.
    3- The second sentence usually provides information about the photo which is not obvious when looking at the photo.
    4- The third sentence usually provides a quote.
    5- Yes
    6- Yes

G. Because If you have a photo then it shows the action and the caption tells you what is happening

H. You would bother to write just a story because and story usually comes with more detailed information and all the events leading up to each other.

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