Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Front pages of the world.

I like this Newspaper title because i think it is better when you can look at the paper and not have to read paragraphs. So you can understand if the article is for you from a sentence or two with a main photo. And this is what aspect this page is showing me.

I like this newspaper headline because i like the use of slang something that is differentiating this Newspaper from others. Also i like how the title is simple and to point.

3. There is not many stories. Only one or two.
4. All the newspaper spreads have one main photo and several other minor photos followed by content. Very closely related by the "kings Story".
5. The newspaper spreads are different by the amount of photos and content.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Shutterbug Website

The website i chose was PetaPixel, this website is well known in the world of photography and does a good job of informing photographers around the world, about what is new or interesting news in the world of photography. Showing new cameras coming out and remarkable photographers that share their tips. Also this website has sections dedicated to guide photographers sharing helpful tips, and giving instructions on how to do different things with the camera they have. This website is very broad going from daily news to many different specific fields. And writes about very different topics. On a daily basis a average person can use this website as a replacement or add on to social media, with daily news helpful tips. Otherwise saying anybody who has interest in photography can use this as a fun website. I might add this website to bookmarks, though i do not have much spare time if at all. Though this does not exclude the fact that i would recommend this website to a fellow photographer. If i were to rate this website i would give it a 5 because i find it very easy to navigate around it, and it is very straight forward to get to a very specific and basic topic.

After just several minutes of browsing on PetaPixel i was able to find several interesting news items that caught my attention, for example a simple yet confusing topic "Zion National Park Bans Tripods in Photo Workshops". This is an item which i would be interested in reading and probably will read. Because i am a fan of zion and visit it yearly. And i brought tripods in to take photos. That being said i am very surprised that they did this type of announcement and for what cause is what i don't understand. In addition to this I am starting to see the trend that many beauty companies are banning photoshop. Which started off minor but by now is very major almost in every company and magazine we see.

Self Portrait vs. Selfie

What is a Selfie? A photo taken by oneself of him or herself.
What is a Self Portrait? A photo of oneself taken by someone else.
Is there a difference? If so then what? Yes there is a difference between a selfie and a self portrait. The main difference is by whom the photo was taken.
What style do you prefer? I have never been a fan of selfies, mainly because i don't take them and don't have the equipment to. Rather i prefer having someone else take a photo of me because there is much more variation of position, and typically the equipment of which the photo was taken is better. Example- Camera vs. Phone Camera.
Is one more valuable than the other? Why? Each is useful in its own way meaning that if you alone are on a hike then you have the opportunity to take a photo of yourself, which is going to be poor quality and probably not the best position. Though if you are in a group of people and have someone willing to take a photo of you it will be under a better position and quality.
Selfie? I have never taken selfies, because i always go places with company and always have someone who doesn't mind to take a photo if me if i ask.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Yearbook introduction

  1. School Name on Title
  2. School year on Title
  3. Table of Contents
  4. A general theme
  5. The theme to be followed
  6. Include students photos
  7. If not photos then names
  8. Include top events from the year
  9. Include a section to athletics
  10. Include a section to academics
  11. Include a section to clubs
  12. Include a section to student life
  13. Having a principles message
  14. Several pages dedicated to signatures. "Blank Pages"
  15. Greatest achievements
  16. Pictures of staff
  17. Include stories on the side from different students
  18. Class photos
  19. State of school
  20. Number of people in school
  21. Attendance dates
  22. Attendance in comparison to classes
  23. Credits to the photographers
  24. Content where it shows every name of student and on what pages their faces appear.
  25. Date of release
  26. Which classes took part in creating the yearbook
  27. No photos should be "very alike"
2. Vandegrift high school
3. Divided by months, all related to school.
4. 7 sections
5. track and field
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. 2,000
10. Texas

What is the title of your book?
2. What school is it from?
3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the book
4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best
5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic
6. Is there an Index in your book?
7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?
8. Is there a table of contents?
9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?
10. What state is your book from?

Monday, January 8, 2018

Phobia assigment

What is Phobia- A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent fear of an object or situation.

Different types of phobia-

Ablutophobia, Fear of washing or bathing
Scotophobia- Fear of the dark
Cremnophobia- Fear of standing next to cliff edge
Scotophobia- Fear of the dark
dystychiphobia- fear of accidents on road

Planning of project

Fear of falling

Scotophobia- Fear of the dark, This phobia relates to my younger siblings. I will be taking them into a dark hallway in my house catching them in their moment of fear when the lights suddenly go off. This photo would be better off to be taken vertically to catch the full body. The rules of composition that i will plan on following are the rule of thirds and balance. The background will be A dark room, or the wall of the hallway. The camera will be placed off in the distance to catch the full bodies, and lightning will be in a back room the light will be on and the rest of the lights will be off to show them coming from a light room trying to get to another. But having to go through the dark to do so. The look, or how they will be dressed will be in their pajamas. Because regularly thats when they have to go into a dark room, when going to sleep. I will try to position them either holding hands, or just having a very frightful reaction.

Dystychiphobia- Fear of accidents on the road, This phobia related to me, being a biker and experiencing a lot of close friends being hit by cars while riding. I will catch a friend on the road looking back to see if the road is clear to cross. With a frightful reaction on the face. The image will be taken Horizontally to be able to include the biker a car and some scenery. I will try to include rule of thirds and maybe balance between the biker and the car. I will place the camera facing were the biker is going looking back at a incoming car. The photo will be taken at dusk. When most accidents on bikes occur. The biker will be in proper uniform. The pose of the face and body of the biker would be looking back with caution.

Cremnophobia- Fear of being near a cliff edge, This phobia relates to me. Being a Mountain biker riding near cliffs all the time, and knowing that the chance of me falling is 20% and that i have done it before, and know many friends who have passed or got badly injured from a cliff fall on a bike. The photo will be of me riding near a cliff edge on my bike looking ahead at the tight cliff with caution. The photo will be vertical, because of the objects. The rules of composition will include avoiding mergers. Behind the subject will be a scenic view or woods depending on the place i choose. I will place the camera ahead of me, the message to be passed is a frightened reaction to the cliff ahead knowing that its a life or death moment. Lighting will be daylight, or when i will go riding. I will be in my biking uniform. Expression will be frightful, and body language will represent cautiously holding balance and looking for every possible obstacle yet still peddling.

Photographic Technique
Scotophobia- For this one i will set the camera to blur the background and get into a certain position.
Dystychiphobia- For this shot i will set the background to a slight blur. To the point that you can still tell that the biker is looking at a car.
Cremnophobia- Here i will set the camera to make everything clear, and get at a certain angle. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


I like this photo because it shows several actions at a time and shows an amazing environmental reaction, both of a volcano erupting and lightning striking.

I like this photo because of the content of two presidents who try to discuss plans for two of the largest countries in the world.

I like this photo rather not from the quality of the picture but from the story that it carries showing how affected the children were and are from Isis.

What is the best song of 2017?
I personally am not a fan of the modern style of music including rap, heavy metal and many more styles of music that were popular in 2017. Rather i am a fan of older style music such as blues and jazz. Fortunately there weren't any great songs of this style written in 2017. Though according to apple the biggest most expensive company in the world, which possibly has the most customers in history, is a reliable source. And according to it "Thunder, by Imagine Dragons is the most popular therefore the best song of 2017.

What is the best movie of 2017?
In my opinion a show can be classified as a movie, and in that case my pick for this question would be "The Grand Tour, an Prime original". Though as having many people who disagree with me thinking a show as a movie, i would say that Kingsman deserves recognition in the best movies of 2017.

What is the best news story of the year?
I believe that the most important news story of the year is the one that said "Donald trump elected president of the United States" this was a shocking result for many people and had many troubles after that including thoughts of Russia hacking the election, and other reasonings of it being imposible.

Who is the most important person of the year?
Lets start with the question, "What is turning major companies such as JC Pennies and Toys R Us" Bankrupt? The answer is obvious no matter what they say it all leads to one conclusion. Amazon. People who go to these type of stores go there to touch the item if necessary. But then order it off of Amazon because it is cheaper. Though most items don't need to be touched to test quality, and even if the do need to be Amazon has your back on that with their reviews. When you see that the item has 4 and a half stars and more than 2,000 reviews you can be assured that its a good item. So what is the point of stores? None. And if you think groceries Amazon has you on that with Amazon prime now. So the only reason we see people at stores is to have some sort of time out of the house or a social experience. Though soon most of the stores we know of will become bankrupt, thanks to Amazon, or otherwise known as Jeff Bezos. The guy who created this remarkable startup. Therefore i believe that Jeff is the most important person of the year.

Sports entertainment 2k17.
In my opinion the most entertaining story related to sports in 2017 is the kneeling of football players of different teams. Showing that they do not relate to the country or the national anthem. But rather are on the team due to money. This conversations carried through several months, creating big quarrels at work school and public places. I believe that this is a good argument to make it the most popular sports related event that happened in 2017.

Winter Break? New Year?
This winter for me was no different then any winter, meaning that all of us want to go skiing but there is no snow. And at one moment my brother exclaims that colorado just got 80 inches and the family of six is on the road in less than a hour. So did it happen like this, this year. Except that the snow chose to fall at the last moment. So i came back the day that school started at 3am in the morning. Other than the 15 hour road trip one way, my break was spent pretty well, skiing in Cooper and Coper Mountain Colorado. Being in Colorado, their isn't anything much better than celebrating New Year were there is snow all around you. And with the new year comes resolutions for the new year. For me i have several goals all relating around the same topic. At first keeping good grades, and most importantly getting to Nationals this year and keeping my "2nd place in the State" title in the sport of Cross Country Mountain Biking. And two these two events meaning the races and the podiums belonging to the races, do i look forward to in the new year.