Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Self Portrait vs. Selfie

What is a Selfie? A photo taken by oneself of him or herself.
What is a Self Portrait? A photo of oneself taken by someone else.
Is there a difference? If so then what? Yes there is a difference between a selfie and a self portrait. The main difference is by whom the photo was taken.
What style do you prefer? I have never been a fan of selfies, mainly because i don't take them and don't have the equipment to. Rather i prefer having someone else take a photo of me because there is much more variation of position, and typically the equipment of which the photo was taken is better. Example- Camera vs. Phone Camera.
Is one more valuable than the other? Why? Each is useful in its own way meaning that if you alone are on a hike then you have the opportunity to take a photo of yourself, which is going to be poor quality and probably not the best position. Though if you are in a group of people and have someone willing to take a photo of you it will be under a better position and quality.
Selfie? I have never taken selfies, because i always go places with company and always have someone who doesn't mind to take a photo if me if i ask.

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