Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Shutterbug Website

The website i chose was PetaPixel, this website is well known in the world of photography and does a good job of informing photographers around the world, about what is new or interesting news in the world of photography. Showing new cameras coming out and remarkable photographers that share their tips. Also this website has sections dedicated to guide photographers sharing helpful tips, and giving instructions on how to do different things with the camera they have. This website is very broad going from daily news to many different specific fields. And writes about very different topics. On a daily basis a average person can use this website as a replacement or add on to social media, with daily news helpful tips. Otherwise saying anybody who has interest in photography can use this as a fun website. I might add this website to bookmarks, though i do not have much spare time if at all. Though this does not exclude the fact that i would recommend this website to a fellow photographer. If i were to rate this website i would give it a 5 because i find it very easy to navigate around it, and it is very straight forward to get to a very specific and basic topic.

After just several minutes of browsing on PetaPixel i was able to find several interesting news items that caught my attention, for example a simple yet confusing topic "Zion National Park Bans Tripods in Photo Workshops". This is an item which i would be interested in reading and probably will read. Because i am a fan of zion and visit it yearly. And i brought tripods in to take photos. That being said i am very surprised that they did this type of announcement and for what cause is what i don't understand. In addition to this I am starting to see the trend that many beauty companies are banning photoshop. Which started off minor but by now is very major almost in every company and magazine we see.

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