Sports Illustrated, April 22, BOSTON
Photographer: John Tlumacki
"At approximately 3:10 on the afternoon of April 15, 2013, the editors of Sports Illustrated returned from their Monday meeting to rumors of a terrorist act near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. With fewer than four hours until Si's weekly deadline, producing a definitive news account of what happened was impossible. Was there, however, an image that captured the afternoon's chaos, its tragedy, in addition to a city's capacity for resilience and goodness in the face of such terror? Yes, there was, dozens of images, in fact. By 4:30 p.m., half an hour ahead of the magazine's usual cover deadline, (Read More)
"At approximately 3:10 on the afternoon of April 15, 2013, the editors of Sports Illustrated returned from their Monday meeting to rumors of a terrorist act near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. With fewer than four hours until Si's weekly deadline, producing a definitive news account of what happened was impossible. Was there, however, an image that captured the afternoon's chaos, its tragedy, in addition to a city's capacity for resilience and goodness in the face of such terror? Yes, there was, dozens of images, in fact. By 4:30 p.m., half an hour ahead of the magazine's usual cover deadline, (Read More)
I really like this cover post because its easy to tell what the main topic is going to be about, and the cover adds a sense of action attracting people without even having them reading anything yet. I also like this photo because it includes several different types of composition rules and portraits. It is a environmental portrait because it shows the cops with there uniform on and doing their job. It is also a formal portrait showing the cops in their formal costumes. And it is a informal portrait showing the runner who was nocked down or was laying down for safety who was dressed in a informal costume. For the rules of composition this photo shows a very good sense of balance. Drawing several different lines. First off comparing the two running cop. And the dark uniforms of the cops in contrast of the uniform of the runner. Also there is quite a bit of lines in the photo. If not paying attention to the words the buildings in the background make leading lines to the main subject the people. And with that there is framing form the buildings. The action communicated by the photo is the cops running to help people and figure were is the terrorist. It is clear that it is a shot that was taken several minutes after the bomb going off.
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