Monday, November 27, 2017

top 100

Image #1

1. I liked this photo because i thought it was funny to see possibly the most famous band of all time playing in a pillow fight with each other. It caught my attention because is saw familiar faces, ones of whom i listen music of.
2. I read that this photograph originally didn't want to photograph the beatles but after listening to there music he found himself not wanting to leave, he captured this photo the day before their concert of which would be the #1 song in the U.S.
3. There wasn't much new information, besides the fact that i learned that their concert on the next day rose hope for america, which happened 11 weeks after Abrahams assassination.
5. Harry Benson (born December 22 1929. Age 87) Scotland. Education- Harrow School Scotland.

Image #2

1. I liked this photo because it captures seconds after one boxer defeated the other and i find this as the moment of victory which i like how the photograph was able to catch it. It caught my attention because of the sport.
2. I learned that Mohomad lost his title to the other guy the previous year and just earned it back, also the photographer states that the bright lights and heavy smoke made a perfect studio projection.
3. I learned that aside from the photo the photograph considered himself very lucky to be in the right seat and the right time, also the photograph is a professional sports photograph.
5. Neil Leifer (December, 28 1942 Age 74. NYC) Education- Henery street settlement house.
Image #3
1. I like this photo because it captures and amazing moment in history. And it caught my attention because of that.
2. I learned that the guy in the photo was not the first man on the moon, and he didn't care about that.
3. Aside from the photo i learned that there is no photo of Neil Armstrong on the moon which was the guy with the camera who took the photo.
4. Neil Armstron ( August 5, 1930, Wapakoneta, OH)( died August 25 2012 Cincitti, OH) Education University of southern California.
Image #4
1. This image caught my attention because we usually see the photo of the moon from the earth but here it is the other way around, and that is both why i liked the photo and why it caught my attention.
2. I learned that this photo was nearly missed and that the astronauts had several seconds to take the photo. I learned that the first photograph took the photo in black and white which wasn't that massive but the other guy had time to grab a color canister and get a colored shot.
3. Aside from the photo i learned that this photo was token on christmas eve during a big war in America.
5. William Anders (October 17 1933, Age 84 British Hong Kong) Education Harvard school of business.
Image #5 
1. This photo caught my attention because it shows the effort a community puts in to feed itself. I like it because of that to.
2. I learned that this photo wasn't actually of people finding to eat food, but rather they found a dead gorilla in a park while sawing trees and carried it out.
3. Aside from the photo i learned that the people in the community Cut trees for coal and found this dead Gorilla that weighed 500 lbs.
5. Brent Stirton (1969, Durbon South Africa) Education- Durbon University of technology.

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